Literacy Program
Literacy class size are 2 to 5 students with coach
Ages serviced are from 12 to 70 years (*Note: younger children require longer and more comprehensive work with SLP clinicians that we can provide. We can provide some references for them)
We do not directly work with young children but refer them to programs we support with vouchers at ASU or to other institutions.
We work with ASU to perform student Test of Integrated Language and Literacy Skills (TILLS) evaluations
Students must be able to speak and write English. All course material is in English and referrals to free ESL services are listed below:
- Wesley Community & Health Centers
- Phoenix Public Library
- Catholic Social Services of Phoenix
- Friendly House
- And many more throughout the Metro area

Voucher Program
Vouchers are fixed sums for services we ourselves do not offer but allow other institutions to use with students. These usually are for children’s programs. They are limited in number, must be approved in use with an accredited institution for specific Speech, language Pathology purposes. They are offered to students with low financial means to help defray the cost of training or instruction.